Resource Consents

Aqualinc lead the way in securing land-use, water and waste-related resource consents for farmers and growers. Our specialised knowledge and experience means we can recommend consent conditions to suit your requirements, while maximising the potential of our precious water and land resources.

What We Do

Our expert team has an in-depth understanding of the consenting process, the latest guidelines and the environmental impacts of water management and land use changes, so we can provide up-to-the-minute advice on the best solutions for your business. Whether you are applying for a small groundwater supply, a large effluent and waste discharge, or a reassessment of an existing consent, we have the experience to guide you through every step of the consenting process and take care of the paperwork along the way.

Here are just some of the ways we can help you get the right consent for your needs:



  • Assessing the effects of taking groundwater

  • Changing consents to maximise their effectiveness

  • Transferring consents from one location to another

  • Testing and analysing aquifers

  • Testing bore performance

  • Sampling for groundwater quality


Surface Water

  • Assessing the effects of taking and diverting surface water

  • Gauging river and stream flow

  • Assessing supply reliability


Effluent and Waste

  • Assessing the environmental effects of effluent discharges

  • Designing effluent and wastewater storage and discharge systems

  • Testing seepage from effluent storage ponds


Land Use

  • Assessing a site’s capacity for receiving discharges

  • Reviewing the impacts on groundwater and community drinking water protection zones

Work with Us

Applying for the resource consents you need is not just about ticking a box on a long to-do list — these consents have the potential to transform the profitability and sustainability of your business. With effective resource consent management, every farmer and grower has the opportunity to make efficient use of our natural resources while mitigating the environmental impacts of land use.
Managing your resource use is an ongoing job, but we can help ensure you get the most value from your resource consent allocations. We provide a range of monitoring and compliance services that can help you comply with your consent conditions, including soil moisture monitoring  and surface water and groundwater monitoring. We also offer bespoke irrigation management  advice so that your business is always operating as efficiently as possible.

If you are not sure what you need to become and remain compliant, or you would like to review your existing consents to identify improvements, contact us today. We can work with you to drive efficiency in your business operations, whatever your industry.
Christchurch: +64 3 964 6521
Ashburton: +64 3 307 6680
Hastings: +64 6 873 404
Cromwell: +64 27 457 0415

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